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Grass and Heaven

Jasminka's Windy Home

War Spring ninety-nine ... / Ratno proleće 99.


čudno proleće ...
polje maslačka - gore,
ljudi u podzemlju

strange kind of spring ...
field of dandelions - above,
people in shelters - below


prolećno nebo -
u trenutku eksplozije
nijedne zvezde

spring sky -
at the moment of the explosion
no one star

(tr. D. Anakiev)

ciel de printemps
au moment de l'explosion
plus aucune etoile
(tr. S. Tome)

jarni nebe -
v momente vybuchu
ani jedna hvezda
(tr. N. Morača)


devet sveća na torti
sve želje iste - nikad više
rođendan u skloništu

nine candles on the cake
all wishes are the same - no more
birthdays in the shelter


nebo crveno
od raketa - prolećna
ne baš tiha noć

red sky over our heads
with speed sharp lines of rockets
not so quiet spring night

ciel rouge cette nuit
traits rapides des fusees
pas si calme ce printemps
(tr. S. Tome)


udaljena letnja grmljavina
nikad više neću znati da li je
to možda neki bombarder

summer distant thunder
I'll never know more - is this
maybe some bomber?

un eclair lointain
je n'en saurais jamais plus
peut-etre quelque bombe

(tr. S. Tome)


tako "sigurna" u skloništu
deca su obavijena svim našim
suzama i strahom

so 'safe' in the shelter
children are covered in
all our tears and fears

si 'surs' dans l'abri
les enfants sont souilles
par nos larmes, nos peurs

(tr. S. Tome)


Hladna, svetla prolećna noć.
Dekine oči pune suza: "Bože,
spasi decu od bombi!"

Cold and bright spring night.
In grandfather's eyes tears: "God,
save the children from bombs!"


u sliku ratnog
neba nad Beogradom
utrčala duga

into the picture
of war skies over Belgrade
intrudes a rainbow


mladu salatu
gledamo, ne jedemo -
ratno proleće 99.

war spring ninety nine -
we are watching, not eating
the young fresh lettuce


ratno nebo nad
Beogradom - ipak svi
gledaju dugu

war sky over Belgrade -
however, there is so many
rainbow watchers


ratno proleće
laste se nisu vratile
ove godine

war spring -
swallows didn't come back
this year


nakon bombi radio
i sitan glasić: "Jea ...
niko nije povređen!"

radio after bombs
and tiny voice: "Vow ... nobody
is violated!"


Sveta nedelja, bombe ...
ima li još išta sveto,
možda laži?

Holy week under bombs -
does anything now holy,
maybe lies only?


malo mira
otkako je počeo rat -
Uskršnja služba

a little peace
from the war beginning -
Eastern service


posle uzbune
uši pune tišine -
gluvo proleće

after alarm
ears full of silence -
war hasn't spring


Copyright by Jasminka Nadaskic Diordievic, 2001